Genetic Algorithm Info

Crossover Operators

Mutation Operators

Order 1 Crossover 
Order 1 Crossover is a fairly simple permutation crossover. Basically, a swath of consecutive alleles from parent 1 drops down, and remaining values are placed in the child in the order which they appear in parent 2.

Parent 1: 8 4 7 3 6 2 5 1 9 0
Parent 2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Child 1:  0 7 3 6 2 5 1 8 9

Step 1: Select a random swath of consecutive alleles from parent 1. (underlined)

Step 2: Drop the swath down to Child 1 and mark out these alleles in Parent 2.

Step 3: Starting on the right side of the swath, grab alleles from parent 2 and insert them in Child 1 at the right edge of the swath. Since 8 is in that position in Parent 2, it is inserted into Child 1 first at the right edge of the swath. Notice that alleles 1, 2 and 3 are skipped because they are marked out and 4 is inserted into the 2nd spot in Child 1.

Step 4: If you desire a second child from the two parents, flip Parent 1 and Parent 2 and go back to Step 1.

Order 1 Performance
Order 1 crossover is perhaps the fastest of all crossover operators because it requires virtually no overhead operations. On a generation by generation basis, edge recombination typically outperforms Order 1, but the fact that Order 1 runs between 100 and 1000 times faster usually allows the processing of more generations in a given time period.



Public Sub Permutation_Order_1(ByRef Child1 As PChromo, ByRef Child2 As PChromo, ByRef Parent1 As PChromo, ByRef Parent2 As PChromo)
            'Crossover parents i and i + 1 
            Dim HS1 As New Hashtable
            Dim Hs2 As New Hashtable
            Dim iTemp As Integer

            '*** Debug
            'Dim DString As String
            'For k As Integer = 0 To AlleleCount - 1
            '    DString &= vbTab & parent1.Alleles(k)
            'DString &= vbCrLf
            'For k As Integer = 0 To AlleleCount - 1
            '    DString &= vbTab & parent2.Alleles(k)

            'The first step is to pick out a set of consecutive indices for each parent
            'X is the left-most  index of the set
            'Y is the right-most index of the set
            Dim X As Integer = RAND.Next(0, AlleleCount)
            Dim Y As Integer
                Y = RAND.Next(0, AlleleCount)
            Loop Until Y <> X
            If X > Y Then : iTemp = X : X = Y : Y = iTemp : End If

            'Fill Childrenz from index X to index Y of parents
            For j As Integer = X To Y
                Child1.Alleles(j) = Parent1.Alleles(j)
                HS1.Add(Parent1.Alleles(j), Nothing)
                Child2.Alleles(j) = Parent2.Alleles(j)
                Hs2.Add(Parent2.Alleles(j), Nothing)

            'Fill in the rest of Child 1
            ' - The term 'order' comes into play here
            '     We order the remaining values based upon their position in the opposite parent
            '     So, we'll order the remaining values for child 1 based upon their relative order in parent 2
            '     Also, the ordering starts after the set of consecutive indexes, otherwise the order starts at Y + 1
            '     Going to use 2 loops to do it
            '     marker marks the position in the child to insert the next value from the parent

            'From Y+1 to the end of Parent2
            Dim marker As Integer = Y + 1 : If marker = AlleleCount Then marker = 0 'if marker is too high, wrap it around
            For j As Integer = Y + 1 To AlleleCount - 1
                If Not HS1.Contains(Parent2.Alleles(j)) Then
                    Child1.Alleles(marker) = Parent2.Alleles(j)
                    HS1.Add(Parent2.Alleles(j), Nothing)
                    marker += 1
                    If marker = AlleleCount Then marker = 0 'if marker is too high, wrap it around
                End If
            'From 0 to Y for Child 1 - Values coming from Parent2
            For j As Integer = 0 To Y
                If Not HS1.Contains(Parent2.Alleles(j)) Then
                    Child1.Alleles(marker) = Parent2.Alleles(j)
                    HS1.Add(Parent2.Alleles(j), Nothing)
                    marker += 1
                    If marker = AlleleCount Then marker = 0 'if marker is too high, wrap it around
                End If

            'Fill in the rest of Child 2 - Values coming from Parent1
            'From Y + 1 to the end of Parent1
            marker = Y + 1 : If marker = AlleleCount Then marker = 0 ' if marker is too high, wrap it around
            For j As Integer = Y + 1 To AlleleCount - 1
                If Not Hs2.Contains(Parent1.Alleles(j)) Then
                    Child2.Alleles(marker) = Parent1.Alleles(j)
                    Hs2.Add(Parent1.Alleles(j), Nothing)
                    marker += 1
                    If marker = AlleleCount Then marker = 0 'if marker is too high, wrap it around
                End If
            'from 0 to Y for child 2 - values coming from parent 1
            For j As Integer = 0 To Y
                If Not Hs2.Contains(Parent1.Alleles(j)) Then
                    Child2.Alleles(marker) = Parent1.Alleles(j)
                    Hs2.Add(Parent1.Alleles(j), Nothing)
                    marker += 1
                    If marker = AlleleCount Then marker = 0 'if marker is too high, wrap it around
                End If

            'DString &= vbCrLf
            'For k As Integer = 0 To AlleleCount - 1
            '    DString &= vbTab & Child1.Alleles(k)
            'DString &= vbCrLf
            'For k As Integer = 0 To AlleleCount - 1
            '    DString &= vbTab & Child2.Alleles(k)

            'DString &= vbCrLf & "X: " & X & " Y: " & Y & vbCrLf

            ' MsgBox(DString)
        End Sub