Genetic Algorithm Info

Crossover Operators

Mutation Operators

Direct Insertion Crossover Operator

Public Sub OrderSingleCrossover(ByRef Child As PChromo, ByRef Parent1 As PChromo, ByRef Parent2 As PChromo)
            Dim counter1, counter2 As Integer
            Dim CityTotal = AlleleCount - 1
            Dim TempSeedPositionsMainC As New OrderMultipleCollection1
            Dim AmountofSwaths As Integer = RAND.Next(0.3 * CityTotal, 0.7 * CityTotal) 'amount of swaths to create
            Dim Swaths(AmountofSwaths - 1) As Integer
            Dim Done As Boolean = False
            Dim TempSwathSize As Integer = 0
            Dim MaxSwathSize As Integer = AmountofSwaths * 2.5 'max swath size
            Dim SwathHashTable1 As New Hashtable

            'Dim P2Stack As New Stack
            Dim P2Queue As New Queue

            'Determines where all the seeds start
            For counter1 = 0 To AmountofSwaths - 1
                Swaths(counter1) = RAND.Next(0, CityTotal)
                'If hashtable does not contain parent1.value then its ok to start another seed at this location
                If (SwathHashTable1.ContainsKey(Parent1.Alleles(Swaths(counter1))) = False) Then
                    TempSwathSize = RAND.Next(1, MaxSwathSize)
                    SwathHashTable1.Add(Parent1.Alleles(Swaths(counter1)), Nothing)
                    'Else, randomizer chose an already chosen location... so try for another
                    While (Done = False)
                        Swaths(counter1) = RAND.Next(0, CityTotal)
                        If (SwathHashTable1.ContainsKey(Parent1.Alleles(Swaths(counter1))) = False) Then
                            TempSwathSize = RAND.Next(1, MaxSwathSize)
                            SwathHashTable1.Add(Parent1.Alleles(Swaths(counter1)), Nothing)

                            Done = True
                        End If
                    End While
                End If

            'move down parent 1 values
            For counter1 = 0 To CityTotal
                'this moves down parent 1 values to child
                If (SwathHashTable1.Contains(Parent1.Alleles(counter1))) Then
                    Child.Alleles(counter1) = Parent1.Alleles(counter1)
                    Child.Alleles(counter1) = -1
                End If

                'this sets which values of parent 2 to use
                If (SwathHashTable1.ContainsKey(Parent2.Alleles(counter1)) = False) Then
                End If

            'move down parent2 values to child
            For counter1 = 0 To CityTotal
                If (Child.Alleles(counter1) = -1) Then
                    Child.Alleles(counter1) = P2Queue.Dequeue()
                End If

        End Sub