Genetic Algorithm Info

Crossover Operators

Mutation Operators

Random Slide Mutation Operator

'Default Float 0 is "0.01" and represents Minimum Swath Size. Valid Values are [0, 0.75]
        'Default Float 0 is "0.5" and represents Maximum Swath Size. Valid Values are [0, 0.75]
        Sub RandomSlide_Mutation(ByRef Child1 As PChromo)
            Dim MinSwathSizePercent As Double = RandomSlide_Master.Doubles(0)
            Dim MaxSwatchSizePercent As Double = RandomSlide_Master.Doubles(1)

            '1. Determine Start and Stop of Swath || Also determine direction of slide
            Dim SlideRight As Boolean = RAND.Next(0, 2)
            Dim SwathSize As Integer = RAND.Next(RandomSlide_Master.Doubles(0) * AlleleCount, RandomSlide_Master.Doubles(1) * AlleleCount) 'Doubles(0) = Min Swath Size || Doubles(1) = Max Swath Size
            Dim X, Y As Integer 'X refers to left most value of swatch, Y refers to index of right most value in swath
            If SlideRight Then
                'if we're sliding right, we need some room to slide to the right
                Y = RAND.Next(SwathSize, AlleleCount - 2) '-2 results in at least 1 spot to slide to the right
                X = Y - SwathSize + 1
                'if we're sliding left, we need some room to slide to the left
                X = RAND.Next(1, AlleleCount - SwathSize)
                Y = X + SwathSize - 1
            End If

            '2 Determine the length of the slide
            Dim SlideLength As Integer
            If SlideRight Then
                SlideLength = RAND.Next(1, AlleleCount - Y)
                SlideLength = RAND.Next(1, X + 1)
            End If

            '3 Calculate new X & Y locations after slide
            Dim NewX, NewY As Integer
            If SlideRight Then
                NewX = X + SlideLength
                NewY = Y + SlideLength
                NewX = X - SlideLength
                NewY = Y - SlideLength
            End If

            '4. Initialize Flags() - True means that value is a part of the swath. False means it isn't.
            '     This will help us fill in values correctly
            Dim Flags(AlleleCount) As Boolean
            For j As Integer = 0 To AlleleCount - 1
                If j >= X And j <= Y Then
                    Flags(j) = True
                    Flags(j) = False
                End If

            '5a. Fill up NewChild up to NewX (If the slide is to the left)
            '     Nothing changes between the old and new child up to the index before NewX
            '5b. Fill up NewChild starting from the right down to the index before NewY (if slide is to the right)
            '     Nothing changes between the old and new child down to the index after NewY
            Dim NewChild As New PChromo
            ReDim NewChild.Alleles(AlleleCount)
            If SlideRight Then
                For j As Integer = AlleleCount - 1 To NewY + 1 Step -1
                    NewChild.Alleles(j) = Child1.Alleles(j)
                For j As Integer = 0 To NewX - 1
                    NewChild.Alleles(j) = Child1.Alleles(j)
            End If

            '6. Now, add in swath values.
            '    Remember, if we're sliding right, we're filling in from the right side
            Dim marker, iTemp As Integer
            If SlideRight Then
                marker = NewY 'this variable tracks the point to insert the next value in the new child
                iTemp = Y 'used for copying over swath
                For j As Integer = NewY To NewX Step -1
                    NewChild.Alleles(marker) = Child1.Alleles(iTemp)
                    marker -= 1
                    iTemp -= 1
                marker = NewX 'this variable tracks the point to insert the next value in the newchild
                iTemp = X 'used for copying over swath
                For j As Integer = NewX To NewY
                    NewChild.Alleles(marker) = Child1.Alleles(iTemp)
                    marker += 1
                    iTemp += 1
            End If

            '7. Now, go back and insert all the ones not selected for insertion
            '     remember, marker marks where we're at in regards to filling up the new child
            '     Also, if flags(x) is true, then its value in child1 is a swath value
            If SlideRight Then
                For j As Integer = NewY To 0 Step -1
                    If Not Flags(j) Then
                        NewChild.Alleles(marker) = Child1.Alleles(j)
                        marker -= 1
                    End If
                For j As Integer = NewX To AlleleCount - 1
                    If Not Flags(j) Then
                        NewChild.Alleles(marker) = Child1.Alleles(j)
                        marker += 1
                    End If
            End If

            'Copy over new kid
        End Sub