Genetic Algorithm Info

Crossover Operators

Mutation Operators

Scramble Mutation Operator

'Default Float 0 is "0.01" and represents Minimum Swath Size. Valid Values are [0, 0.75]
        'Default Float 0 is "0.53" and represents Maximum Swath Size. Valid Values are [0, 0.75]

        'If randswapsize is less than 2, we force it to be 2 so that a scramble happens each time
        Public Sub Scramble_Mutation(ByRef Child As PChromo)

            'X refers to the starting index of the first swap area
            'Y refers to the starting index of the second swap area
            'These areas are "randomwapsize" long
            Dim counterscra As Integer = 0

            Dim randswathsize As Integer = RAND.Next(Scramble_Master.Doubles(0) * AlleleCount, Scramble_Master.Doubles(1) * AlleleCount) 'Doubles(0) = Min Swath Size || Doubles(1) = Max Swath Size
            If randswathsize < 2 Then randswathsize = 2

            Dim X As Integer = RAND.Next(0, AlleleCount - randswathsize)

            Dim K(randswathsize - 1) As Integer
            Dim NewK(randswathsize - 1) As Integer

            For counterscra = 0 To randswathsize - 1
                K(counterscra) = Child.Alleles(X + counterscra)
            Dim TempK As Integer = 0
            If (randswathsize <= 2) Then
                TempK = K(0)
                K(0) = K(1)
                K(1) = TempK
            End If
            If (randswathsize > 2) Then
                Dim done As Boolean = False

                counterscra = 0
                While (counterscra < randswathsize)
                    Dim swap1 = RAND.Next(0, randswathsize - 1)
                    Dim swap2 = RAND.Next(0, randswathsize - 1)
                    If (swap2 = swap1) Then
                        While (done = False)
                            swap2 = RAND.Next(0, randswathsize - 1)
                            If (swap2 <> swap1) Then
                                done = True
                            End If
                        End While
                    End If
                    TempK = K(swap1)
                    K(swap1) = K(swap2)
                    K(swap2) = TempK
                    counterscra += 1
                End While
            End If

            For counterscra = 0 To randswathsize - 1
                Child.Alleles(X + counterscra) = K(counterscra)
        End Sub